Friday 30 August 2019

Through the Long Forgotten Door:

One week ago, in the spot where I now stand, was the Museum of Stories.
Here we stood inside Heartsfelled the Storyteller's magical lair.  Here is where his collections of stories, portals into stories, and little clues and artefacts belonging to lost or forgotten stories were all to be found.  But like many magical and special treats - the Museum of Stories will only stay in one place for a little while.  When it's ready it will dissolve away and if you wanted to visit again you'd have to know the secret and how to step through the "long forgotten door".
As I stand here now I see only the grey, empty square building.   I look around, here is where I  built a hollow cardboard wall to dampen the sound for the film crew.  Here is where the woodland corner was built, and over there Heartsfelled's table ....  I kick over the traces of dust, bark and sand.  I try to recall in my mind's eye the island beach and the little boy's bedroom all ready for bedtime stories to be told. And, feeling quite sad as it turned out, I start to sweep away the last dusty reminders. 
The floor and walls echo now as I step around the empty room. 
Zak adjusts the "white" and gets ready to do some pretty clever stuff with his camera

Testing the framing and lighting
- it takes skill to get it right.

Heartsfelled gets ready for the next "take".
Zak in his element - look at that smile.
Assistant Director, Tina, making sure the angles are correct.
Is the pen (quill) mightier than the sword?
Blue screen . . . coz Julia's not really transparent!

Getting ready, trying not to melt - it's over 30 degrees in there by now. 
Hottest weekend ever!

Checking his Anglo-Saxon pronunciation perhaps.

Clapper Board Girl - the Assistant Director on such a small crew gets to do it all!

He's picked an interesting volume off the shelf there.

Friday 23 August 2019

Things are hotting up here at the Museum of Stories

The crew, Zak Wylde Productions,  are getting the equipment ready;
the staff (that's me and Richard aka Brother Scuttle) are setting out the catering and comfort facilities; the artiste Heartsfelled (Nigel Gant) and his amanuensis (Julia) are preparing to fill the Museum of Stories with myth and magic  ...
the next round of filming starts tomorrow and it's going to be fun.
Zak and a random Dalek check out new camera equipment.

Storyboards - the director and cinematographer create these and then
either totally ignore them or use them as working guides to the shoot.

Monday 19 August 2019

Here comes the next spate of filming!

Hold your breath folks - at the end of this week (that's next weekend!) the Heartsfelled crew will getting it together in the mystical, magical Museum of Stories somewhere in the heart of deepest Lincolnshire.
Zak Wylde Productions will be filming Heartsfelled himself as he recounts the tale Fyrdhwaet, The Identity Stealer.  During the week I will try to give you sneak previews of some arts of the Museum and let you know how things are going, after next weekend there will be more teasers and tit-bits available to whet our appetites.
Keep checking in for updates .....