Saturday 16 March 2019

Watch the first sequence of our movie!

Hey - why not click to watch this on YouTube and give us a boost by clicking "like" while you're there?!
Whether you watch it there or here - please do admire the fabulous work or our actors, director and director-of-photography.  It's a wonderful editing job too.  I think we can guarantee that the main body of this work will be real quality.

Sunday 10 March 2019

Exclusive merchandise now available!

Working on this project is such a privilege and it is exciting.
We want to share our love for Heartsfelled, so we've designed a bunch of goodies with our exclusive Heartsfelled logo that you can buy.

 Exclusive Goodies

Friday 8 March 2019

Mystical, Magical Monsters!

Well, well, well.
It's been a fun week for me gathering costume measurements, designing half-masks for our demons - these are going to be made for us by a master leather worker.
The gorgeous tooled leather masks will really define our three demons.  When I can, of course, I'll show you some images.
It fascinates me to think of times when people couldn't really understand or explain drought, crop failures, eclipses or extremes of weather.   In order to make the difficulties of their lives make sense, I suppose, it was natural for people to put their faith in many deities.   Earth gods and demons could easily be thanked or blamed!
And so, in my original poem and now in our film, it is demons who travel in the guise of wild animals who come, seemingly in friendship, to the village where our hero Fyrdhwaet resides.  The village Chieftan does not recognise the signs of danger and disaster follows, drought, eclipse and crop failure threaten the people's very lives.  Brave Fyrdhwaet slays each wicked demon all on his own.
As Hearsfelled tells us this tale we will get to see the action and adventures played out.  Designing for these mystical, magical events is such fun.
If you want to follow our progress then please like and follow this Blog.
If you haven't already seen our establishing sequence that introduces Heartfelled's existence and The Ghosts of Times Past that have populated his stories for centuries then have a look now.  This is a real showcase of the skills of our film crew and costumier as well as the lovely ghosts themselves.  If you do visit out YouTube clip click 'like' before you leave 😊
Thank you.

Sunday 3 March 2019

Ladies and Gentlemen, may I proudly present -

I'm so excited, I just got back from spending a lovely afternoon with our storyteller, Hearsfelled, otherwise known as Nigel Gant.  I was mesmerised when he read through the script in rehearsal with me.  The project is going from strength to strength.
And then -
Look what was waiting for me when I got home!
This is the introductory sequence for our film.
It is designed to establish the nature and timelessness of our Storyteller and to draw you into the setting within which he exists.
The piece is called "The Ghosts of Times Past".   You see the ghosts spanning eleven centuries of occupation of that location, they are the stories of times past ...
I am so proud of the skilful filming and editing executed to perfection by Team Holland at Zak Wylde Productions.
I am equally proud to have been entrusted with Julia Gant's gorgeous wardrobe of costumes, most of which she hand stitched herself and all of which are period perfect.  Just - wow!
Keep following this blog to find out what does happen when you step through the right door . . . in the meantime, enjoy: